简介:Every year, thousands of high schoolers enter the August Wilson monologue competition for a chance to perform on Broadway. This film follows these stu
简介:Three young people arrive from different parts of the country to go to college in Sao Paulo. On their first day there, a strange and intense attractio
简介:巴西导演Luiz Fernando Carvalho的故事片处女作,171分钟的长片。情节和主题意味深重:通过一个离家出走的年轻男孩子,讲述了巴西乡间,一个虔诚的基督教家庭的悲剧。这家庭,太充满爱意,太圣洁,太有序、太美好了,连镜头都沉于安稳之中,流动于井然安详的条理,静穆在神圣的威严之下。而那欲望